To stop the Devastation around the world because of the building design practices is my Mission! For the true way for Preservation to be workable, is to stop the Devastation we create through these practices. Case in point, the antonym of Devastation is Preservation! Stop the Devastation of our communities and start Preserving them, Build to Flow with Nature not Resist "IT"!

To be or not to be

To be or not to be
Again & again

Friday, December 25, 2009

Life or death, Building Codes are meant to save Lives

Over the last 37 yrs I have worked in and out of the construction industry, lived in or visited at some point all the lower 48 states in the US as well as the US Virgin Islands, east and west Canada & Mexico and Navasota. Throughout this experience I have see and heard many thing and learned much from all. However, one thing has range true throughout, the lack of Building Code Revisions.
Year after year we see tornadoes devastate the central part of the United States. We continue to live in fear along coastal areas and riverbanks. Avalanches of snow and mud are still wiping out whole villages. Volcanoes are still not being taken seriously in the lines of fortification. We must also speak of landslides coming down on to homes or coming out from underneath the homes, for where was the building codes when these building were built?
While living on the coast of Maine, I began to ask myself where was the I.B.C., U.B.C. and local code. Why are codes being implemented for these earthquakes and not for Tsunamis, Floods, Tornadoes, Avalanches of Snow, Volcanoes, and Landslides?
Then in the year 2000, I attended Spokane Community College in Spokane Washington, were I received my A.A.S. Degree in Architecture. So now I am ready to step up and do something myself. In order to make change one must be willing to stand up for what one believes in, even if ridiculed, stay firm, and have no reservation.
For I truly believe that I can and will make a difference when it comes to saving lives. I am a solution finder, a problem salver, perseverance is my name, and common since is my game. Code change makes good since!

Monday, December 21, 2009

2012 & Beyond

We have so much out there being said, whom should one believe? I personally can and will say something is upon the horizon! But much like the Bible, it is all left to interpretation. I do however, feel that the same old way of building is and has been below the standers of our evolutionary existence. We still do not “Build To Flow With Nature And Not to Resist It™.” If we do not heed the warnings of our past failures in architectural design, why would we heed the warnings of our ancient ones? Year after year, we sit back and watch as our communities are wiped out do to the same old design! Never excepting the fact that the buildings we build are inadequate for the environment it is built in. I feel I can change this! Please believe in me as I believe in you! Arch.E.S.D.T. ™
Note: Some of the first records of Architects are from Egypt, state that if a building gave in and people were killed the Architect was put to death. Maybe that’s why the Egyptian Architectural structure still stand and ours continue to fall every day do to foreseeable circumstances. We need to hold Architects more accountable for their failures and fight for code change!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Visionary now or later

Why is it that a true visionary is always rejected in his or her own time but held as a hero when they are dead? I hope this dose not happen to me! If just one of you out there believed in what I can do, we would be prosperous beyond our wildest dreams. I have an unending supply of Ideas for Building Designs, New Products, a whole line of New Safety Products and Business Ventures that would be a Franchise in 3 to 5 years.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


NOTICES: Salutations;

To all Investors, Developers, and regular folk tired of the same old style of home and business structures designs. Only to find you can’t sell do to the mundane and repetitive design rut the Architectural Community has been in for the last 300 odd years? Furthermore, Want a designer that can plan for anything & brake through to a NEW EVOLUTION in ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN.

I am ready to step up & create standards of building design no other has thus far & where the IBC, UBC and Local Codes have not.

MY VISION: with the right team of 3-Architects and 1-Engineers is to;

1). Built a home or business in tornado alley, and know that after a E-5 tornado goes through my structure stands 75% to 100% better chance it will still be standing.
2). To have a home built in the 2000 ft above sea level with no cares if you became snowed in or warriors of suffering “Cabin Fever”.
3). Know in flood zones with Liphe Podds™ in place in everyone's backyard, no one would have to die from floods anymore. As well as with my new foundation system in place home and business has 75% to 100% better chance of no water damage to the structure.
4). Create for you the Investor an impenetrable resort, hotel, or home along the coast lines where tsunamis are prevalent.
5). Eliminate the endless cost of Mother Nature’s fury. No more boarding up windows, packing sandbags, NO MORE NATURAL DISASTER ZONES do to everyday weather for that particular reign

These are just a fraction of what I have in mind. The Keywords being “Environmental Survival” of said structure.
6). Introduce the "Saddleback Foundation System"
NOTE: Elements being, wind, water, Tornado, Tsunami, land erosion, lava, tidal waves, fire, avalanches, extra.
For me Environmental Survival means:
To build a structure that in design according to the environment with which it must exist in. Thereby insuring it's further existence even after being subject to the elements that be. For remember, Natural disasters are natural!


Virtually no one, not even the IBC, UBC, or Local Codes have addressed the issues when arguing the cost to the American tax payer or the ever increasing insurance cost do to deficient configuration of buildings for the elements that be. Let alone the ecological damage to the surrounding area. Every year to board up, sand bag, and rebuild due to inadequate structural design. Buildings being built disregarding the environment with which they are intended.

With our renewable resources running out, you have to ask yourself how much longer will they last, rebuilding what should have never fallen. If proper building practices were in place that addressed the environment with which they are built in and the elements that be, we wouldn't have losses year after year. How many homes could we have built with those same resources used to board up and/or rebuild every year?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Mr. President, Umaru Yar’Aduaand the Nigerian people

I want to bring hope
I am someone that feels they have a answer to your Flood and Drought problems in your Country. I do not want money for these solutions, just your recognition for care for your people as much as you do! (For we are all equals in my eyes, no color do I see) I feel that helping your capital City of Nigeria in Abuja, as well as the rest of the country have water at all times of the year and at the same time cut down the flood waters that pelage your region, would be a blessed thing. I humbly offer my services to you Mr. President, Umaru Yar’Adua, I am yours to command for the good of your people and mine. Please I bag of you lut me do this for you and I will forever be in your debt!
Vary Truly Your humble servant in waiting, Mary Katherine


Are we thinking to hard

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Who I am

Who I am:

Age five while in Houston TX panhandling, standing outside a fanatical institute, I couldn’t help being in aw of the structures before me and of the goings-on inside. I met two businessmen that day. Telling them about the epiphany I had that day & aspirations to design, build and run my own Company someday.
They had a good laugh, then asked what I would do if given a chance. My answer was good enough to earn my family and I lunch. At their request, I sat with them separately while discussing business ideas.
Unfortunately to some, I fond myself never truly attending school or living within the society I so longed for. Only to realize latter this was the best thing that could have ever happened. Teaching myself the three R’s, at 17 my mom left home, so I put myself through school & graduated HS at 18.
Self starter, 25+ yr construction vet, Started working the trade at 17, with a background in Pastoral construction before hand l was a relief foremen at age 18 of General contractor. Exterior stonemason foreman at age 19, Rod Buster foreman at age 23. I learned to live off the land at an early age. Now trying to put myself out there as a NEW Architectural Designer with my ARCHITECTURAL ENVIRONMENTAL SURVIVAL DESIGN FOR TOMORROW™ BUILD TO FLOW WITH NATURE NOT TO RESIST IT. ARCH.E.S.D.T.™
I have a un-dieing thirst for knowledge and new experiences!

FISHING, HIKING, Wood carving....(Master Wood Jeweler), tinkering on old cars. Having a shop would be a plus, to work in...wood, metal, Inventor. A devout devotion to friends and love ones! Working hard to be the one finger on everyone's hand I meet. Passion, Honesty, Integrity, and perseverance working at as while. There is always room for improvement in one's life, for stagnate water grows no fish...Lol The study of the three dirty words and then some, like: Religion, politics, world affairs, philosophy, contract law, and business law. Love to read, and write books. Drawing anything that comes to mined, from a Dragon to a Mountain scenery.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Will our renewable resources last

With our renewable resources running out, you have to ask yourself how much longer will they last rebuilding what should have never fallen. If proper building practices were in place that addressed the environment with witch their in & the elements that be, we would not have losses year after year. Do you wonder how many homes could we have built with those same resources used to board up and/or rebuild every year, do the inadequacy of building design.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Architectural Environmental Survival Design for Tomorrow™
Arch.E.S.D.T. ™


After New Orleans's grate flood and countless loss of life, I wrote the Mayor of New Orleans and sent a copy of this e-mail to one of the newspapers in the area. This e-mail addressed my concerns for New Orleans and that I could offer a product that could save countless live and that the product could be manufactured in New Orleans to help the local economy as well. For this product could be marketed worldwide. The product is called “Life Pods™.” I prefer to spell it “Liphe Podds™.”
Liphe Podds™ are an escape capsule to be use-daring floods for residence to escape drowning. Liphe Podds™ can ether be put in by the resident or deployed by the power that be before or daring a disaster, like floods, tsunamis, tornadoes, and so on. I felt, being one that has come to “LOVE” New Orleans and it unique culture, that I must do everything in my power to save the lives of these people. So Liphe Podds™ were born and I know they can save lives. I told the Mayor of New Orleans if he would agree to help get Liphe Podds™ off the ground as well as put Liphe Podds™ to work in his own community, that I would only employee local workers and never relocate as while as have a slide scale fees for low-income folk. I never received a response. No wonder, he probably mustached me for a nobody, but as Bugs use to say “He don’t know me vary well do he!” I am the real thing and I can make a difference, just try me! My motto throughout life is “You have to tell me twice I’ll quit” I never Quit! M.K.B.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Say it isn’t so.

How long have you lived in the state or town your in? Do you watch the telly(TV)? What do you see? For me, I see year after year needless destruction of our communities. Then the state, town & city officials disregard the ill constructed commercial, industrial, and residential buildings after all is lost. Consequently, they okay new construction in the same old structural designs! Only to find them selves once again pleading the Federal Government for relief money do to a catastrophe. Over and over and over again, like the three little pig in straw and stick homes! I just wish they would listen to me, for the wolf is coming once again to blow it all down.

Who pays for it in the end? You do! In your home, health, and business insurance; through local, state and Federal taxes; loss of family and friends; personal and family heirlooms; local economy (like New Orleans); in new construction cost; and much much more!
I have the answers! I just need a good team of three Architects and two Engineers. I can bring change, for I believe in change! ARCH.E.S.D.T.™

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Who's really in charge in your town when it comes to new development?

What of our City’s Planning Boards? Do they not care that what they okay to be built today could be gone tomorrow do to insufficient structural designs being used thus far. Lute alone the chipboard shit-board track-homes being built all over the US. The over build alone has cost local economy more then they can afford, with foreign investor reeking the rewards. Furthermore, the life of these homes is 10 yrs on average, with bowing & warping of the poor quality construction material.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Who's job is it if it's not mine.

Virtually no one, not even the IBC, UBC, or Local Codes have addressed the issues when arguing the cost to the American tax payer or the ever increasing insurance cost do to deficient configuration of buildings for the elements that be. Lute alone the ecological damage to the surrounding area. Every year to board up, sand bag, and rebuild do to inadequate structural design. Buildings being built disregarding the environment with witch they are intended.


NOTICES: Salutations

To all Investors, Developers, and regular folk tired of the same old stile of home & business structures. Only to find you can’t sell do to the mundane & repetitive design rut the Architectural Community has been in for the last 30 odd years? Want a designer that can plan for anything & brake through to a NEW EVOLUTION in ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN.

I am ready to step up & create standards of building design no other has thus far & where the IBC, UBC and Local Codes have not.

MY VISION: with the right team of engineers is to;

1.Built a home or business in tornado alley, and know that after a level 5 tornado goes through, my structure stands 75% to 100% better chance it will still be standing.
2.Have a home built in the 2000 ft above sea level with no cares if you became snowed in or warriors of suffering “Cabin Fever.”
3.Know in flood zones with life pods in place in everyone's backyard, no one would have to die from floods anymore. As while as with my new foundation system in place, home and business would have a 75% to 100% better chance of no water damage to the structure.
4.Create for you the Investor a impenetrable resort, hotel, or home along the coast lines where tsunamis are prevalent.
5.Eliminate the endless cost of Mother Natures furry. No more boarding up windows, packing sandbags, NO MORE NATURAL DISASTER ZONES do to everyday weather for that particular reign.

These are just a fraction of what I have in mined. The Keywords being “Environmental Survival” from the elements for said structure.
NOTE: Elements being, wind, water, Tornado, Tsunami, land erosion, lava, tidal waves, fire, avalanches, extra.
For me Environmental Survival means:
To build a structure that in design according to the environment with witch it must exist in. Thereby insuring it further existence even after being subject to the elements that be.

Arch.E.S.D.T. ™

Architectural Environmental Survival Design for Tomorrow™
By: Mary K. Butler (StonewallMary)
I have been putting to question for sometime, the structural integrity & designs of buildings for over 10 yrs. All I hear now is Build Green and yet none of these buildings truly FLOWS with NATURE, they still succumb to the natures flow for the area it was built in. To truly “Build Green” we must build to “Flow with nature, not resist it!” For, as long as we build inappropriately for the environment with witch it’s built in, the structure will fail, do to the natural environments it must survive in. Just look at Tornado alley, flood zones, coastal properties, and flashflood/drought zones like Nigeria, Africa. So much destruction and waste of natural resources, this is not “Green” Build Design! Most significant, the countless lives lost. Furthermore, the content insurance increases, for live lost, hospital stay for recovery, home and property (family heirlooms that can never be replaced) and lost jobs. Read more on my Facebook Acct: Mary Katherine Butler (StonewallMary)
Arch.E.S.D.T. ™
Please believe in me, for I believe in you and your Tomorrow!
Vary truly Mary Katherine Butler (StonewallMary)