To stop the Devastation around the world because of the building design practices is my Mission! For the true way for Preservation to be workable, is to stop the Devastation we create through these practices. Case in point, the antonym of Devastation is Preservation! Stop the Devastation of our communities and start Preserving them, Build to Flow with Nature not Resist "IT"!

To be or not to be

To be or not to be
Again & again

Friday, November 9, 2018

Is God Nature?

As one that has thrived to be a "Guardian Of the Earth", I have dedicated 46 years to "Building Code Reform" as we can no longer afford to "Build to resist Natures Natural Flow". To step forward and say unto you the WORLD PEOPLE "To serve Nature is to Serve YOUR Creators" is a monumental task that has fallen on deaf ears in the sense of support in "Rebuilding a devastated community to never fall again due to the "Natural Disaster History of the Region" Learn more on the web at "Build to flow with nature not to resist It"  God is Nature

Friday, October 19, 2018

How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change | Allan Savory

As the worlds only true "Disaster Prevention Consultant" and leading authority in "Building Code Reform" Arch.E.S.D.T. LLC is looking for the opportunity to Speak on behalf of "Building Code Reform" as to Prevent Disaster and secure a sustainable future for all. How many ways can one say “Building codes reform” is a must. That all the “Bio Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Permaculture Intervention, Green Buildings, Wind Generators, Solar Arrays, and Hydro Generators” will be all for nothing if we do not confront “Building Code Reform” worldwide. Educate yourself more on this dilemma at

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Inside Hurricane Michael as it made landfall

I will say it again!!!!!! At this juncture, this writer feels life is becoming too short, and worries if the message of life will reach the people of this world in time.
The extreme weather or lack thereof, around the globe has become relentless. We have severe droughts in over 50% of world, around 37% severe precipitation with rain, snow, or hail overwhelming the tributaries, and storms of all elements at an all time high, we need hero’s to step up.
As one reviews the so called “Weather Forecasting Channels”, you would think “Meteorologist” would be on the forefront of “Demanding Building Code Reform”. Meteorologist sees firsthand the devastation as a result of “Inadequate Building Codes.” We must ask “Why haven’t they made it a point to change this disconcerting outcome?” Where a person’s home is no longer a shelter, their natural rights of prosperity, property, and sovereignty swept away in one deadly swoop. Entire family tree whipped off the face of the earth and Meteorologist want to talk about the wind direction at the Cubs Baseball Game. Where is their Humanity? Meteorologist are more about looking good then saving lives. Looking good on camera, as a forecaster, as a hero that warns us/reminds us our lives are not our own, that is all a Meteorologist is for us. When our $350,000 new home is built of twigs, insurance companies, FEMA, UN, Red Cross, the National Guard and the Government have more Rights than we do when it comes to getting our lives back. Why do we fight to get back what we already had and should have never lost in the first place if our “Inherent Natural Rights” meant anything?
Meteorologist were at one time, folks that worked to protect our communities, now they only warn our communities, and walk through the aftermath time and time again, without a word of outrage. 

Friday, May 4, 2018

Clean what?

Clean energy! Clean environment, Now we need to think of a "Clean Living Environment" There are six major issue in our home, recreational environment, and work environment, they are "LED/Wi-Fi Technology",  "GMO's", "Flame Retardants", "Household Cleaning Chemicals" "Drinking Water" and "Legal & Illegal Manufactured Drugs & their users" Not many are aware of the E & F signal of energy produced by old TV's, all LED's & Wi-Fi transmissions towers and devices. Would you care to buy a E-F meter and walk through your home, local park or work space you would be sickened by the results. Just one LED Christmas light will make your meter warning signal will go off and at a point it can no longer read the levels, meaning the readings are off the chart of the scope of the unit you are using. In reference to GMO's when is the FDA, USDA, ATF, and FSIS going to be held accountable for contaminating our food chain and bring our foods from 10% processed foods at the time of their conception to today where it is only 10% organic and everyday we have "1-800-BADDRUG" thrown at us.  Then we have Flame Retardants that is found in the fat of every Orca Whale and the leaves in infants & children are far above unhealthy standards due to plush toys, mattress, and clothing. As to household cleaning agents no real hard data is out there yet we do see the signs in ER visits, it would be nice to know more then don't mix Ammonia & Bleach. Plus we have the issue of Global Clean Drinking Water and Airway Heights, WA. is to close to home! According to the Safe Drinking Water Act SDWA "nearly one in four Americans drink from systems plagued with violations under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)" Also they say "Washington State rank second for worst water health violations, were-as 1.2 million people in King County are drinking from water that is in violation or has been in violation of SDWA standards which is around 73% of King County Citizens. And if these five weren't enough now we have the Global Legal & Illegal Manufactured Drugs and their users, PLEASE QUOTE ME when I say "The Legal & Illegally Manufactured Drugs Contaminated Properties includes homes, apartments, hotels, motels, resort, public bathroom and even your bathroom" " That the Political Policy to act is no different then the 80's Aid Epidemic that took the Medical Profession, Hollywood & the Music Industry to final get the Government to act." "Yet unlike the Aids Epidemic of the 80's it's not one person or a couple, IT IS WHOLE COMMUNITIES at risk." "It would be sad to think that no action is forthcoming because of real estate venturous and the hopeful reduction of middle and lower class citizens like they were trying to do during Apartheid in Africa with Methamphetamines Tablets." "Will Washington State choose to lead the way in Building Code Reform by being the first state to "FULLY" address these issues." If they wont I will, as a "Disaster Prevention Consultant" it is my sworn obligation to bring this issues to light and do my part to bring the change needed to eradicate this threats to our "Community & Family Dynamics"
Facebook page, 

Fire Retardant,
Household cleaning against,
Water Quality,
Illegal drug contaminated property,
Toxic dust contamination of property,

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


From:  Mary K. Butler
Date:   2/28/2014
Re:       Recognition; Application of Constitutional Building Code Reform
The US Inherent Constitutional Building Codes (ICB Code)

US States are deprived of  this fundamental law, costing more than just lives but also a way of life guaranteed to them, for within the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights is the Inherent Constitutional Building Code, not yet realized.

There is a difference between a natural disasters and a natural weather phenomenon, primarily a manmade structure or human interaction in the natural environment. Furthermore, is it a natural disaster when the ecological disaster is human rubble? Much has been lost without the ICB Code, and it's relation to the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights originated with these words:

INDIVIDUALISM, of a State and it's citizens are in constant threat from Federal Jurisdiction, Marshal Law with extreme weather, or when a factory/corporation’s operations pose a threat with or without a natural disaster. Sovereignty of a state it's counties and cities therein will never come to fruition as long as building codes promote disasters, decay, death, discord and distrust. As states loos their Sovereign Rights to Individualism when they request aid from the Federal Government which is illegal. 

LIFE & LIBERTY, is equal to saying Free Will, better known as metaphysics. This cannot be if everything you achieve in this world can be wiped off the face of the Earth because one’s home is no longer a shelter, and your Sovereignty as a state, county, city or person is stripped because the need for Federal Aid and FEMA to recover from inadequate building codes.

PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS vanishes quickly in places like Tornado Alley and costal regains with no code reform in sight after over 200 years of Natural Disaster History. How can we have "Pursuit of Happiness" if per-say Dow Chemicals, Round-up or GMO's poisons the air, water, and soil we derive our happiness from?

PROPERTY of every nature is jeopardized with the current state of affairs, case in point, Polar Vortex, New Jersey, Philippines, Haiti, and Tornado Alley to stare with. Even the existence of nuclear power plant strips us of these Rights. (Look to Fukushima nuclear power plants for the truth to this) And what I stated above applies here as well, "If per-say Dow Chemicals, Round-up or GMO's poisons the air, water, and soil" that is our physical property is this not a infringement, also going against the Declaration of Independence

When asking “What does the government owe to society?” Sharswood* put it best in saying, “The impartial administration of equal & just laws, which insure the security of life, liberty, and property.”

The ICB Code is advantageous to the sustainability of this country and its future generations. Once recognized the Natural Disaster Environmental History Code (NDEH Code) can also be implemented at some point.**

Notes: *Owen’s Law Quizzer pg713, 5th Edition, 1898 By Wilber A. Owen, **For further information on the NDEH Code go to

Change is needed for knowledge is power

What is it going to take for the people of our world to understand it is time for change? Change in the way we build our homes, buseness, factories, communities, infrastructures!
You can find out for yourself what is happening in our world when speaking of Natural Disasters:

Scientists: Global Warming ‘Very Likely’ Caused Recent Extreme Weather Disasters: Extreme weather events over the past decade have increased and we're “very likely” caused by manmade global warming, a study in the journal Nature Climate Change said on Sunday. “Scientists at Germany’s Potsdam Institute for Climate Research used physics, statistical analysis and computer simulations to link extreme rainfall and heat waves to global warming,” Furthermore, since Fukushima in 2011 tornadoes and surveyor weather throw out the U.S. has been booted 10 fold in the since of severity, deration, death toll, cost, even "Never seen before" in said region.....