To stop the Devastation around the world because of the building design practices is my Mission! For the true way for Preservation to be workable, is to stop the Devastation we create through these practices. Case in point, the antonym of Devastation is Preservation! Stop the Devastation of our communities and start Preserving them, Build to Flow with Nature not Resist "IT"!

To be or not to be

To be or not to be
Again & again

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Inadequate Building Codes vs Climate Change

Attention followers of Arch.E.S.D.T. LLC call for "Building code reform" On invite we are looking to attend "The 5th World Congress on Environmental Science" and speak on behalf of those suffering from "Natural Disasters" around the world and the inability of our infrastructures to withstand "Natures Natural Flow"

Inadequate Building Codes vs Climate Change

A 46 year mission to bring awareness to "Inadequate Building Codes" and there relation to "Climate Change" is on the threshold of world recognition on "Global Scale."
My mission is for all of us to have Faith in a better tomorrow through "Building code reform." If you a family member or friend has been effected by "Inadequate Building Code" come forward and help bring this "Deadly" issue to light. As it is the yearly average cost of inadequate building codes is;
50,000 (up to 300,000+) killed per yr 
150,000 (up to 900,000+) are displaced per yr 
1 Trillion (up to 700 Trillion) in damages per yr 
500 Billion CY (up to 500 Trillion CY) of waste per yr 
39 to 40% of all Emissions in the world (This is only new construction & does not reflect emission 
from recovery, cleanup, and rebuilding of a community)
Money usage; 
1) Flight to and form Toronto  Canada
2) Pay for the right to speak on "World Stage" not just a booth
3) Print all required materials for presentation

How many ways can one say “Building codes reform” is a must. That all the “Bio Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Permaculture Intervention, Green Buildings, Wind Generators, Solar Arrays, and Hydro Generators” will be all for nothing if we do not confront “Building Code Reform” worldwide.

When asking; How can bio-engineers work to heal our world if they are always working to solve the newest disaster and not continuing their studies on earth recovery? What use is studding the environment and environmental engineering just to watch it become extinct? Where can the Permaculturist plant if the seeds, air, soil, and water are unsafe due to contaminants and what is not contaminated they must pay for? How can we call a building “Green” for our communities if it can still succumbs to nature’s natural flow and become a bio hazard to the surrounding environment? What of the wind generators kill rate to our bird life, or the carnage it will leave after a tornado or earthquake if they fall or the blades brake free?  And are we really ready for tornadoes filled with fine shards of glass and mirrors? Is it not bad enough that 1000s of birds and insects die flying over the solar arrays or that we are supper heating the atmosphere with them? Hydro Generators are by far the best solution of this list yet can’t they too pose a threat to our environment as they can be affected by hurricanes, water spouts, and what of their affects on ocean wildlife and their migration patterns?, we can see all of these are quick fixes’ for long term issues, none address the long term global issues of “Destruction, devastation, delay, decay, denial, discord, and death” do to inadequate building code worldwide, yet all are related to and fall under present day and future building codes.
Mary K. Butler-StonewallMary

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